Friday, July 13, 2012

Carla and Diane Part 3

 You may notice a gap between the last entry and this. I seem to have lost part 3 of this story! If it turns up I will post it. Just to catch you up, Carla is now living with Diane fulltime and has left her job and returned to college.......

As Carla sat in the lecture hall awaiting the tutor, she looked around her at the other students. Mainly in their late teens and early twenties, there was an air of optimism about them, and laid back exteriors which betrayed only the merest hint of the anxiety they were all feeling about the upcoming exams. Carla had been at university for six months. After her long conversation with Diane about how unhappy she was, they had decided that she would come up with a plan for how she could change things. Carla had admitted her desire to get the education she had missed out on in her younger years. Diane had 'suggested' that she sell her flat and use the funds to get herself through university and make a career change while she was still young enough. Carla had argued but Diane's encouragement, which was aimed mainly at her bottom, had finally persuaded her it was a good idea. When she had told Diane she was afraid she would fail, that she would be a bad student, Diane had merely raised her eyebrows and said, 'Really little one, do you imagine I will allow you to be a bad student? I am sure I will be able to offer you suitable motivation.' They had smiled and hugged and the deal had been made.

Since then Carla had surprised herself. She had proved to be a diligent student, not yet requiring any motivation from Diane. She enjoyed her lectures and the work. For once she was doing something she was interested in, rather than the monotony of a 9-to-5 job she hated. Her worries about being the oldest student had also been unfounded. There were many more mature students at the university, some much older than she. Strangely though it was the younger crowd she enjoyed. Some had seen her as an 'adult' figure to turn to for advice and to share confidences. Others had enjoyed shocking her with tales of their antics in the dorm rooms. All had teased her about her hard-working approach to her studies but many had looked to her for help or to ask her to be their research or study partner. She had fit in well and she loved her new life.

A blonde-haired girl of 19 threw herself into the seat next to Carla's, rousing her from her musings. Carla looked at the girl and her somewhat dishevelled state. 'Jeez, do you have some aspirin or something? I didn't think I would make it here this morning. I feel like hell!’ Carla reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of water and a packet of aspirin. Handing them to the girl she said, 'I suppose this is because you were up so late studying last night?' her eyebrows raised and a hint of irony in her voice. Gemma had the good grace to blush. 'It was 2 for 1 drinks in the student bar in town last night. I maybe got carried away. I haven’t actually been to bed yet,' she said as she swallowed two pills with a mouthful of water. Carla shook her head and gave Gemma a disapproving look. 'Are you ever going to get down to some studying? At this rate you are going to fail and get kicked out. You are getting worse as the exams get nearer! Do you want to end up getting a dead end job, Gemma? You could do so well if you just applied yourself.' 'Oh Carla, stop worrying. Really. You sound like my mother. Well, what I imagine my mother would sound like if she gave a shit!' she smiled. Rifling through her bag she said, 'Bugger, can I borrow a pen and paper? I left them at home.' Tutting and shaking her head, she gave Gemma the supplies she needed for the lecture, not for the first time and Carla knew probably not for the last. She was about to continue her scolding but the tutor entered the room and for the next hour they heard about the psychological theories of what motivates humans.

 After the lecture was over, Gemma and Carla followed their usual ritual of going to the campus coffee shop together. Once seated with their respective drinks, tea for Carla and a double espresso for Gemma, Carla fixed Gemma with a serious stare. 'You know I am worried about you, love. You are coming to class more and more often in this state. What is going on?' She put her hand on Gemma's gently patting it to encourage her to talk. 'I'm fine...' Gemma began but Carla interrupted quickly. 'And do not tell me you are fine. I know you well enough now to know that this is pretty extreme behaviour, even for you.' Gemma sighed and looked at Carla's hand over her own. She knew if she could talk to anyone it was to her. They had become close but unlikely friends from the first day of their course. Carla was warm and easy to talk to. She was fun to be with but there was a solid, dependable air about her that Gemma enjoyed being around. It made her 'I don't know, Carla. The house is getting more and more difficult to be in. All of my house mates have partners or serial partners and their antics are not quiet! They are coming and going at all hours of the night and then there are parties. I can hardly not go to parties in my own house!' 'Uh huh. Last night was not a party at your house though, was it? If you can’t cope with the noise have you tried talking to them? It is your home too. What about moving out?' Carla asked. 'I am short of money. The rent was paid upfront for the term. I can't afford to move out. And have you ever tried talking to three 20-year-old horny guys who are usually either pissed or stoned!' Gemma said. 'Stoned? You mean they are doing drugs in the house?' Carla asked, shocked. Gemma laughed at her friends expression. 'Really Carla, what century are you in? Of course they do drugs. It is really no big deal.' Carla shook her head. 'Wait a minute. Are you doing them too?' she asked, her tone hardening as she fixed Gemma with a glare. Gemma blushed. Suddenly aware that Carla was becoming quite angry. 'It is OK, Carls. Really I know what I am doing. I don't do it every night.' Carla was lost for words. She knew her young friend had been partying hard and was letting her work suffer but she had not thought that she was the type to be involved in drugs. She knew her attitude towards them was pretty hard-line but she had seen the damage it had done to some of her own friends when she was younger and there was no way she was going to sit and watch Gemma while she messed her life up. She cared for her far too much. 'I think we should continue this conversation somewhere more private,' Carla said decisively. 'I want you to come round to my house tonight for dinner. Bring your books with you and we can study afterwards. In fact why not bring your overnight stuff and stay. That way I will at least know you will get to lectures in one piece tomorrow.' Gemma was surprised, Carla had never invited her home before. She knew that she lodged with a woman, although she wasn't sure of the exact nature of their relationship. She knew that Carla had a deep affection for Diane and treated her almost as a mother. 'OK,' she said uncertainly, 'but there really is nothing to talk about. Everything is fine. A night of girly chat sounds cool though so I'll take you up on your offer.' 'Hmm. Perhaps you are right. Talking about it may not be the best way forward,' Carla said thoughtfully as she gathered her bags to go. 'I'll see you at 7:00 p.m. Try and be on time, Diane is not too keen on tardiness.' Before Gemma could respond, Carla got up from her chair and left the shop.

At 7:20 p.m. Gemma knocked on Diane and Carla's door. After a short moment Carla opened the door and invited Gemma in. 'Sorry I am a bit late. Got caught up with a phone call on the way out and missed the bus,' Gemma panted throwing her overnight bag to the floor and shrugging off her jacket. 'That's OK. I've never actually known you be on time for anything. Luckily Diane isn't joining us tonight so there is no rush to eat,' Carla said, leading the way into the living room. The air was fresh and everywhere looked clean and tidy, a stark contrast to the student dump in which Gemma lived. 'This is nice,' she said easing into one of the armchairs. Carla smiled at her young friend and sat in the chair opposite her. 'So where is Diane tonight then? I didn't scare her away did I?' Gemma enquired. Carla laughed. 'The idea of Diane being scared off is kind of funny! No. She had already arranged to see a friend tonight. Anyway it may be better if you and I have some privacy for our 'discussion,'' she said meaningfully. ''Wow. That sounds serious,' giggled Gemma. 'You going to spill all your secrets then? Should I have brought more wine?' Carla regarded her with a solemn expression. 'Gemma, I don't think you realise how serious I am here. I am worried about you. Your health and your studies. I know that you don't have anyone that looks out for you, that your parents are not involved in your life much. I feel as your friend I need to address things with you while there is time. Before you make mistakes that you regret.' Gemma's smile left her face and she looked at Carla with a slightly confused expression. 'OK, I know that you are worried about the drugs but really there isn't an issue. The studying...well, OK things have not been going well but I will get it together. I mean as long as I pass the exams I am fine.' 'It is not just that though, is it? When was the last time you actually ate properly? Or went a whole day without having a drink? Or got an essay in on time? I know that you are on academic probation, Gemma. I couldn't help noticing the letter on your desk the other day.' Gemma jerked her head in surprised indignation. 'You had no right snooping around my desk!' Carla held up her hands to stop further outbursts. 'Gemma! I was not snooping. You asked me to pass you a book and the letter was there in full view. I couldn't miss it. And don't change the subject -- you are in enough trouble, young lady.' Gemma quietened at the change in Carla's tone. Her friend had never 'young lady'd' her before. In fact she had rarely scolded her more than beyond the odd joke about her lateness. Their age difference had been mainly shown in their different taste in music. What was going on? Part of Gemma wanted to tell Carla to 'go to hell' but the other part was strangely fascinated by what was happening. 'Trouble?' Gemma asked tentatively. 'Yes trouble. I cannot in good conscience sit back and let you harm yourself anymore. You have so much potential and you need someone to take care of you. I am very fond of you, you know that?' Carla asked gently. Gemma nodded. 'Well, I know you have been a good friend. You are always helping me and listening to me. I am fond of you too,' she said, a little embarrassed. 'You remind me a little of myself before I came to live with Diane, and OK , maybe a little of how I can still be sometimes. I didn't have the most involved parents either. I ran a little wild and dropped out of school early. Which is why I am only just starting at University now. I wasted a lot of years. Then I met Diane and she has been taking care of me and motivating me and keeping me out of trouble since. I want to do the same for you.' 'She takes care of you. Like cooks and cleans and stuff?' Gemma asked. Smiling, Carla said, 'Well we share domestic chores, although yes, Diane does do most of the cooking I admit! I was thinking more along the lines of my emotional and mental health though. She takes care of my …..disciplinary needs.' She looked carefully at Gemma to see if the girl understood what she was saying. 'Disciplinary needs? What on earth do you mean? She gives you rules and stuff?' Gemma had not yet understood Carla's meaning, perhaps not surprisingly. 'Well yes. She gives me rules and some I set for myself. Diane deals with the consequences of me breaking the rules. She disciplines me. Sometimes …..physically.' Carla found that it wasn't the easiest thing to explain now that she was having to do it. In her head it had seemed more straightforward. She had forgotten that adults spanking adults was not the norm for most people even though it was the most natural thing in the world to her. Gemma spluttered. 'You mean she ssspanks you? You let her hit you? Oh my God. That is insane!' She stood up from her chair and walked to the window. Carla stayed seated and decided to ride the storm calmly. 'Yes she spanks me, sometimes. When I need it. When I deserve it. It helps. It makes life very simple in lots of ways. There are rules and there are consequences. Sometimes the consequence is a sore backside. Better that than failed courses, unemployment, alcohol problems or whatever the heck else I would have ended up doing to myself.' Gemma looked at her in disbelief. 'But you're a grown woman! She is treating you like a child. You cannot think that is right. Carla, it is crazy!' Carla smiled at her. 'Yes I am a grown woman and this is very much my choice. I live like this because it works for me. I have someone who cares about me. Who takes notice of me and is interested enough to help me make the best of myself and my life. Don't you want that, sweetheart?' Gemma suddenly felt very tearful. She sat back in her seat.

 'You are serious aren't you? You are happy like this? She really cares about you? You make her sound like your mum or something.' Laughing, Carla said, 'I suppose it is like getting another parent. I love her a lot. I feel safe and happy and I want you to feel that too. Instead of the rootless life you are leading at the moment. Tell me that you are happy as you are and I will stop talking and go and make dinner.' She leaned forward and looked into Gemma's eyes. This time the tears that had threatened began to run down Gemma's face. She shook her head. 'No, I can't tell you that. I am not happy. I feel alone and a little scared most of the time to tell you the truth. I hated my life at home. I was glad to get out but now I feel even more lost.' Carla went to Gemma and took her into her arms. She let the young woman sob, gently rocking her and stroking her hair. 'You are not on your own, sweetheart. I am here and I care about you, very much. I want you to let me help take care of you. Let's fix things together.' Gemma sniffled into Carla's shoulder. 'How? I mean how can we fix it? What can you do?' Looking down into Gemma's tear sodden face, Carla saw her friend without all the bravado and cheekiness that she usually wore like a mask. She saw a vulnerable little girl who needed her. Suddenly Carla felt sure and certain in a way that she had not before. She knew she could help Gemma and she wanted to more than anything she could remember in recent times. She would give to someone else what Diane had given to her.

'Well. Firstly we are going to discuss your past behaviour and then we are going to look at the future and what needs to change.' Gemma nodded still sniffing. 'OK, I guess. We already talked about it though.' Carla took hold of Gemma's shoulders and held her squarely, looking into her eyes. 'Young lady, I mean that we are going to have a long discussion with you over my knee getting the spanking you so richly deserve.' 'What?! No! Carla, you can't mean that! I am too old to be spanked!' Gemma protested as Carla took her by the upper arm and lead her towards her bedroom. As they went upstairs Gemma continued her protests but did not attempt to pull herself from Carla's grasp. Once in Carla's room, Carla pulled out a straight backed chair from the side of the room; one used by Diane on numerous occasions to put Carla over her knee. Sitting in the chair, Carla spoke sternly to Gemma who was standing red faced with slumped shoulders looking at her feet. 'Gemma. If you tell me you do not need and deserve this you can go back downstairs and get your bag and leave. I will see you at college tomorrow and we won't discuss this again. Do you want to leave?' Gemma stood for a long moment not saying anything. Then she looked up, crimson-faced. 'Carla it is soooo embarrassing!' 'Of course it is. It is meant to be and when your bare behind is over my knee no doubt you will feel even more so. I can also guarantee you that when it is over your behind will feel like it is on fire,' she said firmly, and then more gently, 'And you will feel better than you have for a long-time, I promise.' Gemma looked at her friend and saw nothing but affection. She nodded. 'I want to stay,' she said quietly. Nodding her approval, Carla took on the business-like tone Diane used when she was about to administer a spanking. 'Right, young lady. Get yourself over here, jeans and panties down and over my lap. Right now please.' She beckoned Gemma to her with a wave of her hand. Gemma hesitated only for a moment and then walked to Carla. She began fumbling with her belt and buttons, her nervousness making her clumsy. 'Come on, girl. Don't keep me waiting.' Carla was into her stride now. She found the words came naturally, being on the other side of the spanking did not feel all that strange, she was surprised to discover herself. Gemma quickly pulled down her jeans and panties and lay herself across Carla's lap a little awkwardly. Carla wasted no time in delivering the first smack to the very white bottom in front of her. 'Hmm, not as hard as it needs to be,' she mused to herself, lifting her arm higher and allowing the second smack to hit much harder than the first. 'Oww!' Gemma jerked a little. 'Better,' she thought but also noticed that her hand stung a lot from the impact. 'Maybe this isn't as easy as I thought,' she smiled to herself. Several smacks into the spanking Carla realised her hand wasn't quite up to the job but reluctant to let Gemma know that she continued on regardless of the stinging of her hand. 'Carla smiled to herself.'Ah well. Maybe the saying this hurts me more than you is true!'

'Why are you getting this spanking Gemma?' Carla knew how much she hated that question and rightly presumed her friend would feel the same way. 'Oh Carla. You know why. You told me!' Gemma unwisely replied. She was rewarded with several very hard smacks to the backs of her thighs. 'Answer my question young lady or we are going to be here all night long. Believe me I don't mind but I think you will get very tired of this before I do!' Although Carla's hand was definitely telling her that wasn't altogether true! Gemma soon got the idea that answering Carla's questions quickly and completely was the best way forward to save her poor bottom and legs from even worse punishment. Just when Gemma thought the heat in her bottom couldn't get much worse, Carla stopped spanking her. 'Thank God! That really hurt, Carla! Let me up!' Gemma squirmed, attempting to get off her knee. Carla quickly put her arm around Gemma's waist and pulled her back. 'Oh no, Missy. We are nowhere near done. That attitude of yours needs to change before I let you go anywhere.' Reaching over to her dresser she picked up the heavy wooden hairbrush that Diane had so often used on her. Placing it against Gemma's already hot bottom, she raised it high and brought it down with an almighty whack on the centre of her right cheek. Gemma let out a howl and tried unsuccessfully to buck off Carla's lap. Carla began a rhythm of raising the brush and bringing it down on alternate cheeks. Then she began to change the pattern so Gemma didn't know where the brush would land next. She ensured she covered every part of her bottom and the area where bottom met thigh in particular. She wanted Gemma's first spanking to be memorable. For her part Gemma tried every combination of squealing and moaning and begging to be let up. She kicked her legs and received an admonishment to stay still with hard slaps to her thighs. She soon learned that this was not a part of her anatomy she wanted Carla to concentrate on so she did her best to stay still. She had never felt anything like it in her life. She was in a world of pain. All she could think about was her bottom. She was ready to promise to do anything for it to stop.

Carla found the hairbrush a much more user-friendly implement than her hand. She was able to concentrate much more on ensuring Gemma was punished rather than on her own discomfort. She also discovered that she was unmoved by Gemma's obvious distress. Having been in this position so many times herself she knew that the upset would be short lived. That Gemma would live and recover quickly and that a thorough spanking was the most effective way to ensure they didn't have to repeat it too soon. Just when Carla was considering bringing the punishment to an end, Gemma burst into fresh tears. 'I'm sorry Carla. I won't behave like that ever again. I promise. I will do my work. I won't touch anymore drugs. I won't drink! I will live like a nun! Just please stop spanking me! I will be GOOD!!' Despite the seriousness of the situation, Carla could not help smiling at the thought of her wreckless young friend living the life of a nun. She did believe that she had spanked her enough for one night though. She added another dozen so that Gemma didn't think it was her tears that were bringing the punishment to an end. Once she had stopped spanking, she rubbed her friend' s back. 'OK. It is over. No more spanking tonight. You can get up sweetheart.' Gemma stood up slowly. Her face red and tear-stained and her hair dishevelled, she looked every bit a punished brat! '

You OK?' Carla asked, pulling her into her arms. Gemma nodded against her disciplinarian's shoulder but said, ‘No ma'am, it hurts!' Carla laughed a little. 'Of course it does, brat. It is meant to. You need to learn to behave and a spanking that doesn't hurt isn't much use for that!' Gemma joined Carla's laughter. 'I suppose not. I still don't like it though! You won't do that again, will you? Really I think once is enough.' Carla raised her eyebrows. 'You are going to behave impeccably from now on because of this one spanking?' Gemma nodded. ' I am! I don't want to go through that again..ever!' 'Wow! I may go into the spanker's hall of fame,' Carla laughed. 'Hmm. I doubt that,' came a voice from the doorway. They both turned to see Diane standing there watching them with some amusement. 'I seem to recall you promising me something similar, little one. I think it lasted a whole week before you were back over my knee again.' Gemma gasped seeing the stranger, realising her still half naked state. She quickly went to pull up her pants before Diane said, 'Now, now. I don't believe you were given permission to dress, were you?' She looked to Carla. Carla blushed as if being caught out failing in her duties. 'No ma'am, I hadn't given her permission yet.' she answered. Gemma, with her pants still in her hands half way up her thighs looked from one woman to another uncertainly. ‘Gemma, leave your jeans where they are and go and stand in the corner there until I tell you to come out. Put your hands on your head and do not move or you will find yourself back over my knee. Understand?' Gemma's natural desire to argue was subdued by her throbbing bottom and the formidable-looking woman who had just entered the room. She shuffled off to the corner and put her hands on her head, mortified that someone else was seeing her being punished. Diane looked at Gemma's bottom and nodded her appreciation. 'Very good little one. I see you did not spare her.' Carla blushed at the praise. 'No ma'am, I have remembered what I learned from you. I know it is my duty to spank her thoroughly or not at all.' 'Hmm. Well. I will leave you to complete your duty here. Perhaps when your young charge is settled for the night you will come and talk to me and explain what has been going on in my house?' Diane's face suggested that Carla may be doing some explaining whilst over her knee and she groaned inwardly. 'Yes ma'am, I will.' Nodding Diane turned to go. 'What is your name child?' she said to Gemma as she passed her. Nervously Gemma replied, ''am.' Smiling at the respectful title offered by the young woman, Diane patted her shoulder. 'Welcome to the family, Gemma.'

Carla and Diane Part 2

Carla walked towards Diane's house with a great deal of trepidation. She had really messed up this week. She had missed a deadline at the office which had caused her boss a great deal of embarrassment and nearly ended up with her getting the sack. The only thing that had saved her had been her extensive knowledge of the current project that was needed if the whole thing was to come together on time. She had been lucky and she knew it. Anyone could miss a deadline but this wasn't the first time she had messed up at work this past year and it wasn't the first time that the cause had been Carla staying out with her friends until the early hours and drinking too much. She knew she was behaving childishly but since a couple of her friends had become single again they had taken to living the life of young students instead of the 30-something professional women they really were.

It was 2 months since Carla had first visited Diane's home, a place that was fast becoming her second home. She had a spare room which Carla often used one night in the week when she would eat supper with Diane and then spend the evening talking, or watching TV or listening to music. On occasion she would also be disciplined and end up in bed with a very sore behind and a much improved attitude! She loved and respected Diane but she was a little fearful of her too. She hated being lectured and punished, and even more than that, hated letting Diane down. She did want to be good and want her to be proud of her but, well, she was a Bottom and could be a bit of a brat too. Carla sighed as she rounded the corner into Diane's street. Maybe she just wouldn't tell her. She would never know. After all she hadn't actually been sacked, just got into a little strife. She knew she could make it up to her boss in the next few weeks as more work was due. She could even curb her going out for the next few weeks to make sure she was in good form for the office. That would work, right? Even as she thought it, Carla knew she couldn't and wouldn't lie to Diane. She sure as hell wasn't looking forward to telling her the truth though!

Diane opened the door before Carla knocked. 'Hey there little one, I saw you walking down the street from out of the upstairs window. You look awfully serious. What is going on with you?' Diane said as she hugged her charge. Carla entered the welcoming hall. The smell of something savoury cooking came from the kitchen but Carla did not feel hungry, she just felt nervous. Diane was going to tan her hide and she feared there was no getting out of it. Hanging her coat in the hall closet, she followed Diane into the sitting room. It was a large, bright, airy room. It was decorated in a style Carla would dismissively have called chintzy and old fashioned at one time but it suited Diane's warm personality and Carla now found it homey. She threw herself into one of the overstuffed armchairs, settling into the soft cushions as if that would protect her.

Diane took a seat in the chair opposite and said, 'Well? Little one? I am waiting for an answer. What has you so worried?' Diane's question was firm but full of the warmth and compassion that Carla had come to know and yearn for. She squirmed a little in her seat. 'Nothing ma'am I am fine, really,' she murmured lowering her head and looking up at Diane meekly. Diane raised her eyebrows. 'Really? That is not how you appear to me young lady. You wouldn't be lying to me would you? That would be very unwise.' The stern look Diane directed her way made Carla sink even further into her seat. She wasn't going to get any room to manoeuvre here, the woman had her figured out before she had even got through the front door! 'No ma'am. I wouldn't lie to you. I am is just...' she hesitated. Diane's piercing gaze made her continue, 'I got myself into a little trouble at work but everything is OK now. I sorted it out and it won't happen again. So nothing for you to worry about,' she finished quickly. Diane took a deep breath 'I see,' she said quietly. 'You got into trouble at work,' she paused for a moment and then added, 'again?' Diane had already reprimanded Carla twice before for her attitude and performance at work. One of those reprimands had involved a fairly serious spanking which had left Carla promising that she would NEVER behave like that again. Diane had known at the time that it was unlikely such a promise would be kept but even so she was slightly surprised that it had been broken quite so soon.

'Tell me what happened.' Her tone left no room for argument. Carla tried to bury herself further into the chair but found she had reached its limit of squash-ability! 'I, erm, I missed a deadline for a report my manger needed for a presentation she was giving. It was kind of important so she was pretty pissed off.' Realising the language she had used, she quickly amended, 'Sorry ma'am! I mean she was angry about it.' Carla wanted the damn chair to swallow her. If it was a movie she could get it to open up and she could fall right through it and maybe land in Australia or New Zealand (she had heard the Tops there were pretty lenient). However, given the look on Diane's face she wasn't sure the other side of the world would be far enough to save her. 'Why did you miss the deadline? Or need I ask? Let me guess. Late nights. Getting into the office late and in no fit state to concentrate on your work? Am I right?' Carla looked shamefaced and nodded miserably. 'Yes ma'am. I suppose that about sums it up.' Diane stood up and began to pace in front of the fireplace. 'So this is the same behaviour I have already punished you for, twice?! I obviously was far too lenient with you if you have not leaned your lesson yet, miss.' She came to halt in front of Carla and looked down at her. Carla found she was unable to look at her. 'I am really, really sorry ma'am. You did punish me properly last time. I did learn my lesson. I meant to behave. I just....' at this point words failed Carla as she realised she had no excuse. She had behaved badly, childishly and she deserved whatever punishment she was about to receive but she didn't want it! She wanted to eat dinner and sit with Diane and talk and enjoy her company and relax. Instead she was not going to be Diane's little one. She was going to be treated like the naughty girl she had been.

'Well. I think I will have to make sure that I teach this lesson rather more thoroughly this evening, young lady. I am very disappointed in you. I can see that you cannot be trusted to take care of yourself and monitor your behaviour so that your social life does not interfere with your responsibilities. I am going to have to do that for you it seems.' Diane lectured, towering above Carla, hands on her hips and an angry expression that Carla had rarely glimpsed before. 'Get up from that chair and go into my bedroom. Bring me the hairbrush from the dressing table.' Diane instructed. Carla whimpered but did not move straight away. Diane raised her voice. 'Move NOW!' Carla jumped up and ran from the room and up the stairs to Diane's bedroom. She walked to the dressing table and picked up the large, heavy, mahogany, hair brush. She had only felt it on her bottom once before for a short spanking and it had hurt, the hard wood setting her behind on fire with only a few brief swats. She entered the living room nervously and found Diane sitting on the sofa. She had taken off her sweater and rolled up the sleeves of her blouse. Carla feared that was not a good omen.

She handed Diane the brush. 'Take off your jeans and panties, please. Place them on the chair and then come and lay over my lap.' Carla stared at her. Diane had never told her to take them off before, pull them down yes but not remove them altogether. She was a little embarrassed. 'Carla, do not make me ask you again,' Diane warned quietly. Without further delay Carla pulled off the jeans and panties and placed them over the chair and then fully aware of her half naked state she walked over to where Diane sat. 'You won't be needing those for the rest of tonight little one and I can't abide the fuss of them being kicked off during a hard spanking.' Carla swallowed, this spanking already had a different tone than any she had received before. She had a feeling she was going to be very, very sorry, very soon. 'Now get yourself over my lap. You may as well get as comfortable as you can, you are going to be here for a while.' Diane took Carla by the arm and pulled her over her knee so that her upper body and legs were both supported by the long sofa, whilst her bottom was higher over Diane's lap. Until meeting Diane, Carla had never been spanked over anyone's knee. She had received the odd swat from her parents and even teacher at school but never had she been spanked properly. Now the position was becoming all too familiar and although it held a certain amount of fear for Carla there was also a comfort and relief associated with being submissive over Diane's lap.

Right now though, it was the fear of what was about to happen that was uppermost in Carla's mind. She felt Diane rest the heavy brush on her right bottom cheek. It felt cool and solid. She closed her eyes and waited for the first smack but it did not come immediately. Instead she heard Diane sigh. 'Little one, this is not the way I had hoped we would spend our time together tonight. I do not expect to have to punish you several times for the same issue. However, make no mistake I will punish you however often it takes in order for you to behave yourself and conduct your professional life in a way that is a credit to you. I will not waver. I will not be inconsistent and I will not tire of you. You are mine, I love you and I have expectations and standards of behaviour that you will maintain. Do you understand?' Clara felt the tears come to her eyes. She had let Diane down, again. She nodded. 'Yes ma'am. I understand and I am sorry I let you down. I am sorry I am a disappointment to you.' Diane shook her head. 'You have let me down and yourself down Carla but you are not a disappointment to me. You are a bottom, you are my bottom and you need correction and I intend to ensure you get it. Now.' With that Diane lifted the hair brush up to the level of her shoulder and brought it down with an almighty whack against Carla's pale bottom. Immediately a bright red circular type mark appeared on her cheek. Carla cried out in shock and pain. She did not remember it hurting that much! It was burning and that was only one! She was pretty sure she would receive more than that. Proving Carla correct, Diane delivered an equally hard smack to her other cheek and then began a rhythm of alternating cheeks and position, painting the whole of Carla's bottom an even red colour. Just when Carla felt that all of her bottom had been covered and there was nowhere left to hurt anew Diane turned her attention to the tops of her thighs. She smacked her on the tender sit spots where thigh meets cheeks. She smacked her upper thighs and she continued smacking her all the way down to her knees. Carla was bucking and squealing. She tried reaching back to cover her thighs with her hand but Diane was quick to intercept and took her hand and held it to her lower back. As the kicking and bucking became more frenzied, Diane stopped the spanking. Carla sobbed in relief thinking it was over. However, Diane had other plans. She readjusted Carla's position so that her legs were spread further apart. Hooking her own leg between both of Carla's  she effectively propped the legs open and yet had them pinned down to prevent Carla moving. Carla couldn't see exactly how she was being held down but she knew she couldn't move much at all. Diane said nothing but Carla felt her pick up the brush again. This time hard swats landed on the inside of her thighs, an area that she had never had spanked before and she found the pain unbearable. The skin was so sensitive here that every swat felt like hell fire and there were a lot of swats. Carla began to cry out 'Please Diane. Please stop. I will behave. I promise. Please don't spank me anymore!'  In between pleading with Diane, her sobs became louder. She was breathless with crying and pleading. Just as she thought she couldn't possibly take any more punishment on her thighs, Diane went back to work on her bottom. This time as the spanks fell, Diane spoke firmly. 'You will NEVER neglect your duties at work again. You will NEVER let yourself down like that again. You are better than that.' Carla's face was wet with tears. 'Yyyes ma'am! I will be good. Please!' Finally the spanks stopped. Carla could not believe how much she hurt. Her bottom felt like three times its normal size. The skin was hot and tight and so, so, sore! At that moment she felt that she would never be able to walk or sit again. Diane let her lie there for a few minute until her sobbing subsided. 'Right my little one. Stand up please.' Diane ordered. Slowly Carla got up. Wincing as every movement seemed to inflame her already scorched bottom. 'Now I want you to go and stand in the corner there with your hands on your head and do not move until I tell you you may. Understand?' Carla nodded and walked to the corner indicated. She faced the wall and tried not to break into a fresh set of tears. Whenever she had been spanked before, Diane had always hugged her. She had never banished her to a corner. It was obvious she couldn't stand looking at her.

Carla had never felt so miserable. She didn't care that her bare bottom was on display. All she could think of was how angry Diane was and how much her bottom hurt. After what seemed like hours but was more like 10 minutes, Diane called to her. 'Come over here little one.' Carla turned and walked to Diane with her head down. She was too ashamed to look her in the eye. However, Diane was not going to let her hide from her. 'Look at me young lady,' Diane said raising Carla's chin so that their eyes met. She saw the tears and remorse and embarrassment in her darling little one's face. She shook her head at her and said with compassion, ‘I didn't enjoy punishing you so hard, Carla. But you must know that if I have to spank you like that every evening until you learn to behave, then I will.' Carla nodded, sure that there wasn't another brat on earth who felt quite as sorry and sore as she did right now. 'Yes ma'am.' 'I have decided that this is not the end of your punishment. As I said to you earlier, I really do not think you can be trusted to take care of yourself and behave well at the moment. I feel it would be much better if I were able to keep a much closer eye on you. That is impossible with our current living arrangements. You are simply too far away for me to monitor you in any satisfactory way. So. I think it best if, for the time being, you move in here with me.' Carla felt her jaw drop in surprise. 'Move in here? With you?' she repeated. 'Do I have an echo?' Diane said, not without some amusement, about the expression on Carla's face. 'But...well...I mean...I have a flat...and I can't live here!' Carla exclaimed. 'Of course you can. It is a simple matter of organisation. You will continue to pay for your flat and you will live here rent free and we will see how we progress from there. You need discipline and you need to be taken care of and the only way that I can do that properly is for you to be here where I can keep an eye on you.' Carla's mind was in a whirl. Here she was stood half naked with a very red and punished bottom being told that her whole life was about to change. Did she want this? Diane with her all of the time? Knowing what she got up to and  more to the point when she didn't get up?! She looked at Diane and into her kind eyes. The woman had just given her a beating like she had never had in her life before and yet her eyes showed nothing but love and concern. Diane held out her arms and Carla was pulled close for a much needed hug. 'Don't worry little one. I am going to take care of you. I promise that things are going to get much better for you and missing deadlines will be something that happened in another lifetime!' Carla couldn't help but giggle at Diane's teasing tone. Diane sent her up to her bed to sleep. She had missed her supper but not surprisingly she wasn't hungry. She had a million things to think about and a decision to be made. As she crawled into bed on her stomach, careful to lay a single sheet over her throbbing bottom and legs, she suddenly felt very tired. I will decide tomorrow, she thought as she drifted off to sleep, knowing that in reality the decision had already been made and that this was her first night in her new home.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Carla and Diane Part 1

As she made her way from the car park to the café, Carla pondered how she had come to this point. She was on her way to meet a woman she had never seen before to discuss if they were to have a relationship which would involve Carla submitting herself to the others authority and discipline. Here she was a competent and successful woman of 35 years old and at this moment she was fully intending to let a someone into her life who would monitor her behaviour and punish her for infringement of rules which they were yet to agree. How did she get here? She had thought of little else since she had made contact with Diane some eight months earlier. Having met on a spanking website the two had struck up a friendship and had chatted online nearly every night since. Recently they had exchanged phone calls and now they were taking the first step in a face to face (or hand to bottom!) relationship.

As she arrived outside the café, Carla took a deep breath. She was nervous. She had considered turning back a couple of times on the drive over but had chided herself for being cowardly. Diane seemed so nice on the phone, she was sure things would be OK. Opening the door, a bell chimed to announce her arrival to the proprietor and the other customers, who raised their eyes to see who had entered. As Carla looked around she noticed the woman at the far table had stood, smiling and watching her. Diane. Carla returned the smile and made her way towards her. Diane was an elegantly dressed, slender woman. Tall with short, grey hair. Carla would describe her as striking. Not pretty but definitely attractive. Carla felt very much her junior with her shorter height and dressed in jeans and plaid shirt, with her long hair pulled back into a clasp, she knew she looked much younger than she was.

Diane opened her arms to embrace Carla and kissed her cheek 'Carla I am so glad you made it. I have been very much looking forward to meeting you.' She smiled looking genuinely pleased to see the younger woman. 'Well I have to admit I nearly didn't come. I am a bit nervous' Carla said quickly. 'Of course you are' Diane indicated a chair for her to sit 'that seems only natural to me. There is really nothing to be nervous about though is there, we have already spoken so much about what you want and need. Hopefully today is the start of a friendship that will last a long time' As she spoke, Diane poured tea from the china teapot on the table. She offered milk and sugar to Carla before setting the cup before her. Carla sipped at the hot drink, thankful for something to focus on whilst she felt Diane watching her. When she put the cup down, Diane reached over the table and covered her hand with her own. 'It really is good to see you little one' Carla blushed at the pet name Diane had given to her a while ago. At first she had thought it odd. Little one? At 35? As time passed she began to love the feeling of freedom to be young that it gave to her. When Diane used it she knew she was loving her and looking out for her and she knew she was safe. It was the sort of feeling she supposed she should have felt when she was with her mother. Unfortunately for Carla that had never been the case and she wondered if that was why she craved maternal discipline in the way she did now. On the other hand she had friends who had had that relationship with their mothers and still needed discipline from someone else now that they were adults. Maybe there was no cause, just a need she had, where it came from was irrelevant.

 'I am glad to see you too ma'am.' Carla continued to blush as she looked around nervously to see if anyone was watching them. If anyone could guess the nature of their relationship. Diane noticed her glancing around the room. 'You know little one, if anyone was to see us together I am sure they would think that we are mother and daughter out for an afternoon together. Don't you think? You have nothing to fear.' Diane put her hand up to the waitress and asked for the bill. As the waitress handed Diane the bill and accepted the notes for payment she smiled at them both. 'Tea with your mother? Must be nice I never get chance to go out with mine. Enjoy your afternoon.' With that strong confirmation about how they appeared to others, Carla relaxed and nodded to her before the waitress took the payment and left them at the table. 'Now Carla. I think a little walk and a chat, don't you?' With that, the two of them stood and left the café.

Once outside, Diane offered Carla her arm and she quickly accepted, linking Diane and walking together as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The two spent the afternoon strolling amongst shops and comparing their likes and dislikes. Chatting about daily nonsense and generally getting to know a little more about one another. As the winter afternoon began to turn to dusk Diane turned to Carla 'Now little one. You have a choice to make. You may either say 'goodbye' to me here and we can stay in-touch and remain friends but nothing more. Or you may choose to come home with me for supper and to begin a relationship which is much more formal and serious. I will become your disciplinarian. I will treat you as a daughter. You will be cherished by me but will answer to me and be punished by me for your behaviour. The choice is yours. You must know that if you decide to come home with me now, I will take my responsibility to you seriously. I will consider you, mine and I will expect obedience from now on. What is it to be Carla?' Carla swallowed. A million thoughts flew through her mind. Is this what she really wanted? Was this right? How could it be? Here she was a grown woman wanting another to take control of her, to treat her like, well, like, a child! But here was Diane, a lovely, warm woman, telling her that she wanted to take care of her and that it was OK. She felt loved when she spoke to her and after being in her company today she knew she felt a bond with her like none she had felt before. She trusted her. The thought of saying goodbye to her and not being close to her was more than she could bare. However, the thought of being punished by her? Scolded and spanked? How did she feel about that, honestly?

Diane could see the conflicting emotions in Carla's eyes. She put her hand under her chin and looked at her with warmth 'Come now little one. What is it you truly want? You are safe. Whatever it is, it is alright.' Carla felt tears spring to her eyes, she was flooded with relief. She knew what she wanted. She wanted Diane. She wanted her strength and certainty and love to surround her. She wanted a 'parent' to share her life with. Carla smiled at Diane even as a tear fell down her cheek 'I want to come home for supper ma'am' she whispered. Diane pulled Carla into a warm embrace and stroked her hair. 'That's my girl. Let's go home.' She kept her arm around Carla as she turned them in the opposite direction towards her house. They walked slowly enjoying the closeness. 'I think we have a few things to discuss as well my little one. Starting with the your poor work evaluation last week. Hmm?' Diane raised her eyebrows and Carla blushed, casting her eyes down. She had a feeling she would be feeling some of that 'motherly concern' over Diane's knee before the evening was out.

Taking care of Clare

As she left the hospice she sprayed the alcohol gel onto her hands to prevent infection, as she had done at least a dozen times that day already. She walked out into the cold night air and took a deep breath. The freezing temperature had turned the pavement into a sheen of slippery ice but she welcomed the frigid atmosphere after the almost unbearable heat of the building in which she had sat beside her mother’s bed all day. Taking another deep breath to try and rid her nostrils of the stale smell of human bodies and sickness that permeated the place. As much as she tried the smell was now a part of her. Even after bathing it seemed to ooze from her skin, reminding her constantly wherever she was that this was firmly a part of her life.

She slid and skidded her way towards the car and sighed as she saw she would have to scrape a layer of ice from her windscreen. A volunteer from the hospice walked by and nodded good night as she worked at the window. Once inside she set the heaters to high and started the engine. Putting the gears into reverse she made her way quickly from the car park and onto the main road towards home. The headlights of the oncoming vehicles made her squint and realise just how tired her eyes felt. She had a half hour journey at the end of which she would be met by her children and partner. She would paint a smile on her face and feign interest in their days. She loved them but right at this moment she wanted nothing more than to go to an empty house, lay down and not to have to speak to another soul for a long time. In frustration she switched on the radio. Music blared out and she immediately switched to a talk channel deciding the frivolity of pop was not for her, not tonight. The documentary on Radio 4 was about country produce.

The voices droned in the background but she did not listen to what was being said. Her thoughts began to wander. Flitting from subject to subject unable to settle. As she got closer to home she felt the familiar quickening in her chest, her breath becoming shallow, sweat on her forehead. ‘Not now’ she thought,’ not tonight’. She knew the anxiety attack was inevitable once it began. She signalled to the other traffic that she was pulling over and turned into a side street. She gripped the steering wheel and gasped for air as the feeling of suffocation enveloped her. She began to shake, perspiration soaking her shirt. She felt the tears come. Tears of anger, frustration and most of all fear. Fear of this attack and the surity of the next. Fear that she could not face tomorrow. Fear, fear, fear. Through the fog of the anxiety she tried to calm herself, slowing her breath, feeling her feet on the floor beneath her. Talking to herself ‘You are OK, you are OK.’ She sensed a number of people walking past the car. None stopped to notice the woman inside. None knew the desperation she felt. Watching a young woman pass. Her red coat, even in the darkness, seemed so bright. The sound of her heels on the pavement exceptionally clear. Clare had noticed this before. How every sight and sound seemed intensified by her anxious state. She wished she could capture the clarity but it was gone so quickly as if it hadn’t happened at all. The attack finally over she felt chilled with the dampness of her clothes. She knew she couldn’t face home. ‘Sheila’s ‘she thought ‘I need to go to Sheila’.

She took her mobile phone from her bag and dialled her home number. Her eldest son answered the phone. ‘Hey it’s mum, where is momma? What are you guys up to?’ as usual Dean was not in the mood to indulge in conversation ‘She went to the shop. There’s no milk.’ Clare closed her eyes and put her head back on the seat rest. Right she had been meant to go shopping before she left for the hospice but yet again had forgotten. ‘OK. Tell her I stopped off at Sheila’s house will you and I will call later? You make sure you get that essay finished remember it is due tomorrow?’ Dean barely grunted before he put down the phone ‘Love you’ Clare announced to the empty air. She threw her phone onto the seat beside her and pulled back onto the road.

Coffee with Sheila would at least give her time to get herself together before she went home. Sheila had been her science teacher when she had been in high school. A formidable disciplinarian and excellent academic Clare had loved her classes. She was an average student but had made good grades in Science partly through her natural interest in the subject and partly through the adoration she developed for her teacher. As the only girl in her class to take science to a higher level, Sheila had encouraged Clare and gradually they had found a bond with each other. Sheila took a special interest in Clare’s studies, often being pretty harsh with her when she felt she wasn’t trying hard enough or her work could be better. When Clare left to go on to University it has seemed natural to them both for their friendship to continue. Now over 20 years later Clare could not imagine life without her.

She pulled her car up in front of Sheila’s drive way 20 minutes later. She was relieved to see the light on in the front room and Sheila’s small hatch back parked in front of her garage. She rarely went out in the dark evenings but Clare knew that she was often asked to help out at the adult education centre and that sometimes meant working the odd night class. Grabbing her bag Clare walked up to the front door and rang the bell. It was opened promptly and Sheila looked only slightly surprised to see Clare standing before her. ‘Hello my darling how was she today?’ she smiled opening her arms for a quick hug as Clare stepped into the warm hallway. Sheila was almost 6 foot tall and had an athletic build. She had been a keen sportswoman until a knee injury had curbed her activities but she still swam regularly and ate well. Her short blonde hair now had streaks of grey around the ears and there were some wrinkles appearing around her eyes but she had an attractive face and when she smiled it made Clare happy to just be with her. Clare’s smaller 5 foot 6 slightly stocky frame fit well into Sheila’s hug. She welcomed the woman’s embrace and the warmth of her home. ‘Ah, you know. Much the same really.’

Clare pulled her straggly long dark hair behind her and took off her black winter coat, throwing it over the end of the stair rail. She followed Sheila into the kitchen. There was meat roasting in the oven and Clare suddenly realised she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink since early that morning. She found trying to eat in the hospice made her feel slightly nauseous. She pulled out a wooden chair from under the kitchen table and sat down heavily. ‘Have you eaten?’ Sheila asked, although she could tell from Clare’s drawn face that it was unlikely. Not wanting to admit to a complete dereliction of self care, Clare shrugged and said ‘Earlier, but I could eat something now.’ ‘Hmm. Interpretation of that is you ate sometime in the last 24 hours but not necessarily today? Right?’ Sheila asked with raised eyebrows. Clare blushed a little ‘Well….maybe. How do you always know that stuff?’ Sheila kissed the top of Clare’s head ‘Because my dear I know you so well. You used to get the exact same look if I asked if you had done your home work when you hadn’t!’ she pretended to scold. Clare laughed ‘When did I ever not do my homework for you? You were way too scary!’ ‘Oh I remember a couple of times when you tried to get one past me. The day you had been to the netball tournament and conveniently ‘forgot’ you had an essay and a test with me that week. As I recall you tried to blame that on the school coach breaking down and you not getting home until the early hours. When the truth was you had gone over to Judith Kellerman’s with the rest of the team for pizza and goodness only knows what else.’ Sheila looked at Clare with her arms folded, her head to one side daring Clare to deny it. ‘Oh yeah’ Clare blushed for the second time that evening ‘I’d forgotten that’ ‘Ha. I’d have thought the slippering I gave you the day after would have had you remember for a while!’ She pointed at Clare and then smiled before she turned towards the stove to check on the roast.

Satisfied that all was well inside the oven, Sheila made tea and put a mug down for each of them before pulling out another chair and sitting beside Clare. ‘So my dear girl, how are you coping? If you don’t mind me saying you look like hell. Have you been taking care of yourself?’ she asked reaching out for Clare’s hand and patting it before resting her own on top. Clare looked at her friend and mentor. The one constant in her life, the one she could turn to and lean on. The one with whom Clare could still feel like a child and about to be scolded for late homework. The woman she loved with all her heart because with her she felt safe and taken care of in a way only a parental figure could make you feel. She didn’t know what to say to her, where to start. How did she tell her about the fear, about how she couldn’t sleep at night? How she rarely thought of eating. How the only emotion she had towards her family was tinged with guilt and feelings of inadequacy. How did she tell her? As she looked at Sheila’s face she saw the love and care and knew she was asking not from politeness or social nicety but because she wanted to know. She wanted Clare to share her life with her. She demanded it with her eyes, with her love with the relationship they had nurtured over so many years. And so she began.

The words tumbled from her mouth. Her fears. Her love for her family and her darling wife, Jay, who unerringly stood beside her, whatever life threw at them. Who took care of her and the family without question. The wife whom Clare felt unable to show her love to, she was just too tired and felt too empty. She told how she just didn’t feel good enough. Not up to the job of taking care of her mother. Her inadequacy as a daughter, mother, partner and friend. How professionally she was failing. Not giving her students the kind of time and effort that Sheila had given her. The torrent went on for more than an hour. Sheila sat and nodded. She stood and removed the roast from the oven. Adding vegetables to the steamer. She made more tea and she listened. She heard every word and watched as Clare verbally beat herself to exhaustion. When she had finished Clare looked at Sheila expecting her to say something and was shocked when all she said whilst patting her hand was ‘I think we will eat now. You need to eat.’ Clare merely nodded, confused at her lack of comment.

Sheila placed a steaming dinner in front of Clare. In a companiable silence the two ate. Clare realising how hungry she was cleared her plate quickly. When Sheila had finished, Clare rose and cleared the dishes, filling the dish washer with the debris from the evening meal. ‘Let us go through to the sitting room and be a little more comfortable’ Sheila said as she walked from the kitchen. Clare followed her into the tastefully furnished room. Bookshelves lined one wall. An overstuffed sofa was placed on the wall opposite the glass doors which lead into the garden. In the summer months it was pleasant to sit there in the evening and watch the dying sun and the bird life in the trees beyond. On this winter evening when darkness had already fallen, Sheila pulled thick curtains over the windows lending a cosy atmosphere to the room. Clare sank into the sofa with a sigh. Sheila turned to look at her. The girl she thought of like a daughter. For so many years she had watched her mature, seen her make a success of her life, achieving academically and perhaps more importantly watched her struggle with her sexuality and eventually meet a wonderful partner and build a home together and have a child. She loved her, unconditionally but she would never develop the patience to tolerate Clare’s high expectations of herself which often lead to self destructive thinking and behaviour. She had punished her more than once over the years and she felt strongly that this night was going to end in a similar way.

‘Clare’ Sheila looked at her young friend sternly, ‘I listened to all you said earlier and I know how hard things are for you at the moment. I also know how hard you are trying to please everyone and in the process not taking care of yourself.’ Clare began to respond ‘I am taking care of myself….’ Sheila held up her hand to stop her continuing. ‘Clare please do not tell me you are taking care of yourself when you turn up on my doorstop looking like you do! I know you well enough to know that as soon as you have a crisis the first thing you do is neglect yourself. But much worse than that is that you are so hard on yourself you make yourself ill. It has happened before and I am sure as heck not going to sit here while you do it again.’ Sheila towered above Clare who was slowly sinking deeper into the sofa as she was scolded. ‘OK Sheila. I get it. I am not doing well enough for you either. I need to do better and take care of myself as well as take care of everyone else!’ Clare raised her voice as she tried to argue her point. Sheila raised her eyebrows and said quietly ‘I don’t think you are listening to what I am saying Clare and since when has it been OK to use that tone with me young lady?’ Clare swallowed. It had been a long time since Sheila had used her old school teacher tone with her and it still had the power to make her stomach drop and reduce her to a nervous teenager. ‘Sorry’ she muttered. ‘I should think so. It is obvious you are not listening or understanding what I am saying to you. You are intent on punishing yourself and not acknowledging you need help. So I am going to help you and I am going to punish you for hurting yourself. Do you understand?’ Sheila stood with her arms folded across her chest, daring Clare to argue. ‘But… what? I mean..why? Sheila..I am just tired. I will do better. I’m too old to be treated like a child!’ Clare started to rise from the sofa, protesting as she moved. Sheila quickly took the two small steps which brought her directly in front of Clare. She reached out and with her right hand she grabbed Clare’s ear. Pulling her firmly with her as she walked to the door of the sitting room. ‘No more talking young lady. You are getting a spanking tonight so you may as well accept your fate.’

Sheila escorted her charge down the hall way and up the stairs. Clare had been in this position only a couple of times before and although it was a long time ago she knew that protesting was a futile exercise only likely to end in a harder spanking. On the other hand she could not believe that at her age she was about to get punished like a naughty school girl. Was Sheila losing her mind! Her ear was beginning to burn as they made their way upstairs and across the landing to the guest bedroom that Clare had used many times over the years. Sheila led her to the far corner furthest away from the window and placed her there facing the wall. ‘Clare. I want you to stand there and wait for me. Do not move until I tell you to. Do you understand?’ Sheila’s voice was hard and left no room for doubt that she was serious. Clare nodded while her mind raced trying to figure a way out of this position. ‘Don’t nod at me young lady. Answer me clearly!’ Sheila scolded ‘Yes ma’am I understand’ Clare spoke, her voice wavering slightly. ‘While you are there I want you to think about how hard you are trying to take care of the people in your life. How much you love them and how there is nothing more you could possibly give of yourself. How much I love you and will take care of you. You are not on your own.’ Sheila left the room leaving Clare to ponder her fate.

Clare hated standing in the corner. It had been a punishment often used at her school. Although in general she had been a good child, rarely in trouble, she had seemed to manage to be more mischievous in Sheila’s class than any other. As she grew older she began to understand that this was because she felt safe enough with Sheila not to have to be perfect for her still to be loved. She could be flawed, could be a little naughty and be punished and still know that she wouldn’t be rejected. She was free to be herself, child and all and it was a relationship she had with no one else. It meant so much to her but also meant that sometimes she would end up in a position like this. Clare heard the door open and movement behind her. ‘OK Clare come over here please.’ She turned to find Sheila sitting on the bed. Next to her lay a thick wooden ruler that Clare remembered from her last spanking. Clare closed her eyes for a moment, still not believing the position in which she found herself.

‘Sheila this really isn’t necessary!’ she tried, her voice lacking conviction as she knew she was guilty of neglecting herself and driving herself to exhaustion and she wanted to be taken care of, wanted Sheila to take control. Ignoring her plea, Sheila patted her lap. ‘Over here please. Get those pants down and make yourself comfortable, I think this may take a while.’ Clare moved over to stand by Sheila. She unbuttoned her trousers and sliding her fingers round the waist band she pushed those and her pants down to her knees. Feeling he face redden as Sheila reached for her and pulled her across her lap. Clare wiggled into position. Her upper body supported by the bed. She put her arms in front of her and buried her head between them. ‘Now Clare, why are you about to get a hard spanking from me?’ Sheila asked her voice carrying with it all of the authority of her 30 year teaching career. ‘Because I haven’t been taking care of myself miss.’ Clare murmured into the bed cover. ‘Speak up Clare. I can’t abide mumbling as you well know.’ Slapping Clare hard on her bottom to emphasise her displeasure. ‘Ow!’ Clare shouted clearly ‘Much clearer’ Sheila said with satisfaction. With that she began to spank Clare hard and fast with her hand. Alternating cheeks, working her way up and down both cheeks, paying special attention to where her cheeks met her thighs and then working her way down both thighs to Clare’s knees. Clare began by lying as quietly and still as she could but as the heat began to build and the sting increased she began to squirm and utter ‘ow’ and ‘ouch’ each time a smack landed. She had no idea how much time had passed but her bottom began to feel as if it was on fire.

After what must have been several minutes Sheila stopped spanking ‘Clare, tell me again why are you getting your bottom smacked?’ The use of the childish phrase made Clare cringe, hell she thought I am too old for this! Out loud she said ‘Because I haven’t been taking care of myself and I have been too hard on myself trying to be perfect.’ ‘And do you deserve to be punished like this?’ Sheila continued ‘Yyyyes miss I suppose so.’ Clare managed the humiliation of her position competing with the stinging of her rear. ‘You certainly do.’ Sheila confirmed as she picked up the wooden ruler. She raised it high into the air and brought it down so hard on Clare’s bottom that it made the younger woman jump and yelp. Sheila let the sting register before raising it again and bringing it down with equal force onto the opposite cheek. Again and again she applied strokes of the ruler up and down her bottom and across her crimson thighs. Clare was shouting out regularly now and tears of pain sprang to her eyes, although she did not let them fall. When Sheila was satisfied that she had a well punished girl across her lap she put the ruler down.

She spoke gently to Clare who was breathing heavily but not yet crying. ‘Clare you are like a daughter to me. I love you and I am here to take care of you. You need to let go and allow that to happen. You cannot do all of this alone. You need to lean on someone and I am here for you as I always have been. Just because you are older now that hasn’t changed.’ Clare nodded her face still between her arms and buried into the sheets. ‘You are a good girl my sweetheart. You have a good heart and you always try your best to help others. You just don’t do a very good job of taking care of yourself but I am going to make sure you do from now on.’ Clare mumbled into the sheets yet again sounding petulant. Sheila asked her to repeat herself ‘What was that?’ Clare turned her head and said clearly ‘But I DO need to do better. I’m a mess. I always fall apart when everyone else around me copes much better than I do. I’m totally useless!’ Sheila sighed ‘I see that you haven’t learned this evening’s lesson at all have you?’ ‘You can’t MAKE me believe that I am OK if I don’t think it is true! I know how I am doing YOU don’t!’ Despite her burning bottom, Clare could not help herself, she suddenly felt very angry and needed to take it out on someone. ‘I see.’ Sheila sat quietly for a moment whilst Clare fumed over her lap. ‘OK, up you get and go back over to the corner please. I didn’t want to do this but I have no choice. Your behaviour and attitude are atrocious and I will not stand for it.’ Sheila spoke sternly and helped Clare off her knee and moved her back into the corner with her nose against the wall. Clare stumbled over her trousers and panties which were now around her ankles. ‘You might as well kick those off, you won’t need them’ Sheila said as she held Clare firmly by the arm. Clare angrily kicked off her clothing and stood in the corner with her nose pressed against the wall. ‘Put your hands on your head while you wait for me. This could have been the end of your punishment but as you insist on behaving badly with me tonight I am going to make you a very sorry young lady.’

Clare heard Sheila leave the room. Once alone in the corner Clare began to calm down a little. She wiggled her hips trying to ease the pain in her bottom. All of a sudden she felt her senses return to her and she began to panic. She had never tested Sheila like this before either as a child or an adult. She had no idea what would happen and she began to get very nervous. At school Sheila had a reputation for being a very strict teacher and more than one pupil would regularly leave her office rubbing their backsides. She was hated by many because of how tough she could be but it was true that Sheila’s classes were the best behaved and achieved the best grades out of the entire science department. Modern schools were not allowed to employ Sheila’s methods of discipline but Clare often wondered how many kids really benefited from that lack of certain structure and consequence. These thoughts were not of concern to Clare right now though. All she could think of was how silly she had been to goad Clare. Her anger had been too much for her to control though. Sheila came back into the room without speaking. Clare heard something large being moved behind her, she resisted the urge to turn and look but soon enough Sheila spoke out, ‘Right Clare Louise Jacobs you come over here now please.’ At the sound of her full name Clare felt her legs wobble. She wanted out of here and now!

She turned slowly and the first thing she noticed was that Sheila had placed a wooden chair in the centre of the room. The next thing she noticed made her catch her breath and say out loud ‘No!’ In her hand Sheila held the crook handled cane that had hung in her office for many years. Clare had rarely heard of anyone being unlucky enough to feel it on their bottoms but it had been a thing of legend amongst her peers. ‘Please Sheila. I didn’t mean it. I will do better! I’m sorry!’ Clare desperately pleaded. Sheila showed no emotion as she directed Clare to the chair. ‘I want you bent over that chair now and I don’t want to hear another word until I am finished with you. Move NOW!’ Clare moved quickly a sob catching in her throat as she placed herself over the back of the chair and held on to the seat until her knuckles were white. ‘I am going to give you 12 strokes of the cane. You will hold still. If you move I will add another stroke. Do you understand?’ ‘Yes miss, I understand’ Clare spoke quietly but clearly. She closed her eyes and waited for the first stroke to land. She felt the cool rattan against her skin and then felt it move and heard the swish through the air before it landed across her bottom.

For a fraction of a second Clare did not feel anything and then it felt like a rod of fire had been placed on her backside. The initial pain began to give way to a deeper more intense burning which she was trying to process but she heard the next swish and the second stroke land. It fell just below the first and Clare took in a sharp breath before she cried out in pain. Her already sore bottom was receiving the worst corporal punishment of her life. The third, fourth and fifth strokes landed with equal vigour. Falling in parallel lines all the way down her fiery behind. Tears began to form in Clare’s eyes and there was no way she could hold them back this time. ‘I love you Clare. You are a good person. I will take care of you. You will not hurt yourself anymore’ Sheila spoke quietly as she lifted the cane and landed another hard stroke. ‘I will always be here for you. You can lean on me and rely on me’ another stroke landed, this time at the top of Clare’s thighs making the girl sob out loud. ‘That’s it my dear girl, let it all out’ another line of fire hit her thighs as Sheila worked methodically. Despite her reputation she had not had cause to cane many of her students. She had often delivered a spanking with a ruler or a slipper but the cane had been more of a deterrent than a tool that saw regular use. However, she was practiced in its use and knew how to use it to best effect.

Clare was now openly sobbing. ‘I’m sorry Sheila. I won’t speak to you like that again and I will take better care of myself, I promise. Please stop now!’ Sheila was very tempted to end the punishment and take Clare into her arms but she didn’t want to have to do this again anytime soon and she knew that it was better for both of them if she delivered the punishment she had announced. However, she did not want to drag it out so proceeded to administer the remaining strokes in quick succession. Landing the last two in the crease between her bottom and her thighs. ‘Ok Clare you can get up’ with that release Clare shot up and put her hands to her very well punished bottom. She began to rub and then realised than was making it worse. She hopped about the room trying to find relief from the hell she was feeling but there was none to be found. Tears streamed down her cheeks. When she looked at Sheila she saw her friend and mentor standing watching her with a face full of love and compassion, she held out her arms to Clare and without hesitation Clare flung herself into the embrace. Her body was wracked with heart wrenching sobs, tears streaming down her face and soaking Sheila’s blouse. She clung on to Sheila as if her life depended on it and buried her face into her breast. Sheila held on as tightly as she could. Stroking her hair and making soothing noises. Relieved at last that her girl was letting go of some of her pain. Allowing herself to be vulnerable and to be taken care of. She knew that there was still a long journey ahead before Clare healed and accepted herself but Sheila made a silent promise that she, and if necessary her cane, would be there with her every step of the way….

Her first spanking

This was the first story I ever wrote. Not sure I like it much now but here it is anyway............

Kate was sitting on the bed trying to decipher the statistics text she was supposed to read before the semester began in a few weeks time. She ran her fingers through her unruly dark curls and sighed. Making the decision to go back to school and let Emma support her financially had been a difficult choice but hopefully it would be the right one for them both in the long run, but right now Kate was wishing she could go play games on her computer and dump the stats revision! As she was debating with herself about taking a break and making up the time later, she heard the front door open and slam shut. She glanced at the clock. It was only four; Emma wasn’t due home for another 2 hours or so. Concerned something must be wrong; Kate jumped off the bed and walked out into the living room.

She found Emma standing in front of the fireplace, hands on hips and eyes blazing. Kate caught her breath, astonished as always at just how beautiful her blonde, blue eyed, athletic looking girlfriend was, but tonight she looked absolutely furious, something that Kate had rarely seen in her usually placid partner. ‘Honey, what’s wrong? You look mad as hell. Something happened at work? You were at the clinic today weren’t you?’ Emma was a senior administrator in the local health trust and divided her time between the main city hospital and the smaller local clinic in their neighbourhood. ‘Yes I was. Guess who I bumped into?’ Kate indicated she had no idea by raising her hands in a half shrug. ‘Dr Alicia Emory, remember her I suppose?’ ‘Of course I do, what are you talking about?’ Kate had been seeing Dr Emory for the 3 years she and Emma had been together. In the past year those visits had become more frequent than Kate would like as she had been experiencing pain which was as yet undiagnosed. In addition Alicia Emory was on the board of the local women’s’ shelter where both Emma and Kate volunteered. ‘Oh I just wondered about the extent of your amnesia’ Emma took a step closer to Kate, emphasising the 5 inches difference in their height. Looking into Emma’s still blazing eyes Kate felt herself shuffle backwards a little. ‘Amnesia?’ Kate hesitated ‘Well it is the only explanation that I could come up with that would account for the fact that you told me that Dr Emory had given you the ‘all clear’ and that the pain was just a stress reaction. Yet chatting to her today she asked me when you were going to contact her to schedule the tests she needs to do,’ Emma turned her back on Kate placing her fisted hands on the mantle above the fire. Kate didn’t know what to say, she had been caught.

When she had come home from her last appointment she had not wanted to schedule the tests, hated anything to do with hospitals and knew if she told Emma there would be no way she would allow her to ignore the doctor’s advice. So she had just, well kind of omitted big chunks of information and manipulated some other bits – not really lying was it? Even as she thought it, she knew just how feeble that sounded! ‘Well?’ Emma stormed turning back to face Kate. ‘Amnesia? Or do I take it that my wife looked into my face and told me a blatant lie about something as hugely important to me as her health? Answer me Kate, you are in enough trouble young lady’ Kate swallowed; calling her ‘young lady’ that really couldn’t be a good sign could it? ‘Em’, honey, I was going to tell you, I was just a bit nervous about the tests and wanted a few days to get used to the idea.’ ‘Kate, honey’ Emma mimicked ‘I can understand that and a few days I could almost forgive but it has been SIX weeks. Six weeks of lying and six weeks of putting your health at risk’ Hmm six weeks, hadn’t quite realised it had been that long, how time flies when you are living in denial thought Kate. ‘Sorry hon.’ I shouldn’t have done it. I promise I won’t do it again.’ Kate smiled the most winning smile she could muster and sidled up to Emma putting her arms around her waist and burying her head into her neck. ‘Oh no missy’ Emma grabbed Kate by the shoulders and firmly pushed her back to arms length. ‘This is not going to be that easy. I think it is about time you started to be accountable for your behaviour.’ Shocked that her usual tactic hadn’t worked Emma stuttered ‘Wwhat do you mean?’ ‘I mean’ said Emma taking Kate’s left arm firmly in her right and pulling her towards the stairs ‘that you have behaved very badly. You have lied to me and now you are trying to brush it off with promises that I am pretty sure you have no intention of keeping.’ As she spoke she began marching Kate up the stairs. ‘Where are we going?’ Emma was starting to feel very nervous, what the hell was going on? Pulling Kate into their bedroom she placed her firmly in the far corner and turning her by her shoulders until she faced the wall. ‘You will stand there and you will not move until I tell you to, do you understand me?’ Emma’s voice was as stern as Kate had ever heard. She was tempted to walk away and tell Emma to ‘go to hell’ but there was a voice inside her telling her to do exactly what Emma told her. She didn’t know what was going to happen but she loved Emma with all her heart and more than that she trusted her completely. ‘Ok, I’ll do what you say Emma’ Kate said in a very small and quiet voice. ‘Yes you will. Now and in the future and if you don’t, believe me you will be accountable.’

Kate heard Emma leave the room. Next she heard the shower running and the sounds of Emma washing and then drying her hair. The minutes ticked by. ‘OK’ thought Kate ‘I’m in time out’ kind of humiliating but if this is what it takes to get back in Emma’s good books I can cope. Kate heard the door to the bedroom open after what seemed like an age but was probably only 20 minutes. ‘ OK Em’ I’ve learned my lesson, can I come out from here now?’ ‘You still don’t get this Kate do you? I am very angry and upset with you for lying to me but more than that the thought of you not taking care of yourself is more than I can bear. You belong to me. You are my heart. You have to learn that you can never do this or anything like it again and I don’t think a few minutes standing in a corner is going to do it sweetie.’ Kate relaxed a little; at least she was calling her sweetie, so it must be nearly over right? When Emma next spoke her voice was quiet but firm. ‘Kate, I want you to come over here and stand next to me.’ When Kate turned she saw her beautiful wife freshly showered, now dressed in casual t-shirt and jeans, sitting on the edge of the bed. Kate walked over to her, wanting nothing more than to fall into her arms and breathe in the scent of her. Before she reached her she stopped abruptly at the sight of a wooden spoon, belt and bath brush lying on the bed next to Emma. She looked into Emma’s eyes but said nothing. She couldn’t be serious. She was going to spank her? No way.

Kate’s mind raced thinking. ‘I am 35 years old. I have never been spanked in my life and I am not about to let someone do that to me now!’ ‘Come here now Kate’ Emma’s voice broke into Kate’s thoughts. Although her mind wanted to refuse, her feet propelled her forward until she stood at Emma’s side. Emma took Kate’s hand in hers. ‘Do you agree that what you did was wrong?’ Kate nodded but couldn’t find her voice. Her stomach was tight. All she could think was ‘a spanking?!’ ‘Do you agree that you deserve to be punished?’ ‘I don’t know’ Kate looked torn, she didn’t want this but then why wasn’t she saying ‘no’ and leaving? She knew she could. Knew she could walk from the room and Emma would not try to stop her. She looked into Emma’s eyes and saw nothing but love. The anger had gone. God she loved her so much and she had lied to her. Now that it was out she recognised the relief she felt. Recognised that now Emma knew about what needed to be done she would make sure that Kate was taken care of and she would be there every step of the way with her, whatever happened. Suddenly Kate felt ashamed. Tears fell down her cheeks. She blubbered ‘I’m so sorry Em’ I shouldn’t have lied to you; I won’t ever do it again. I know I should be punished but please don’t spank me!’

 Emma reached up and brushed the tears from Kate’s face. ‘Shh baby it is going to be OK. I will make this OK for you but you need this and I am going to make sure you get the spanking that you need and deserve. Now take down your jeans and panties and lay across my lap.’ Kate looked at her, eyes pleading but Emma was resolute, Kate was going to be spanked and it wasn’t going to be pleasant for either of them. Raising her voice slightly she said, ‘Now Kate, for your sake do not make me ask you a second time young lady. Fumbling with the fastening on her jeans Kate finally managed to pull them down leaving her panties up. She looked up to find Emma motioning with her finger that the panties needed to come down. ‘But Em’ it’s so embarrassing’ Kate whined. ‘No Kate, embarrassment is what I felt when Alicia was talking to me as though I knew about the state of my wife’s health and I had to tell her that you had lied to me! Now get those panties down NOW and get over my lap!’ ‘Well Alicia had no right to talk about my private health issues. I should put in a complaint, it’s really not good enough’ Kate tried to sound indignant but felt ridiculous with both her jeans and her panties now around her knees. ‘I will be more than happy to debate medical ethics with you when we are done here but right now I think the only thing you need to worry about is how your bottom is going to feel over the next few minutes!’ Emma pulled Kate forward and over her knees adjusting her so that she had full access to Kate’s rear. She took only a second to admire her wife’s porcelain skin. Well it wasn’t going to be white for long! Placing her left hand in the small of Kate’s back she lifted her right hand and brought it down sharply across Kate’s right bottom cheek. Kate sucked in a quick, surprised breath but didn’t have chance to make a sound before the next smack came down on her opposite cheek.

Emma worked methodically raising her hand and smacking Kate’s bottom ensuring each cheek was liberally covered with sharp, hard slaps. Each slap was punctuated with a small ‘oww’ or squirm from Kate. After several minutes of hard, hand spanking Emma stopped. Kate breathed a sigh of relief thinking it was over. She started as if to move from Emma’s lap. ‘Where do you think you are going’ Emma asked, grabbing Kate around the waist and pulling her firmly back across her lap. ‘I thought we were done’ Kate asked in a small, hopeful voice. ‘We have barely started. This is going to be a spanking that you remember for a long time to come. Don’t you move again until I tell you or you will earn yourself extra punishment. Do you understand me?’ Nodding Kate said resignedly ‘Yes ma’am, I understand’ ‘Good. Now let’s see if this wooden spoon can impress upon you the importance of telling the truth and taking care of yourself!’ With that Emma began to spank in earnest. She worked at warming her behind for several minutes with the spoon and then moved on to the bath brush. By this time Kate’s bottom was a deep crimson colour and felt as if it were on fire. She began to squirm more violently and cry out as each stroke of the heavy brush swatted her sore behind. ‘Pleeeease Emma, no more. I promise I’ll be good. I’ll always tell the truth from now on. I’ll do whatever the doctor says. Oww. It hurts, stop pleease!!!’ Emma continued the spanking undeterred by Kate’s pleas and promises. After several more minutes Emma put down the bath brush. She could feel the heat rising from Kate’s behind and could see that there would be bruising. Her heart ached seeing her wife in this position but she knew that she couldn’t stop until Kate had been thoroughly punished.

‘Right Kate. I have decided that as this is your first spanking I am only going to give a short spanking with the belt. I want you to pay attention to how it feels so you know what you will be facing if I find I have to spank you in the future. Understand?’ ‘In the future?! I thought this was just a one off?!!’ Kate whimpered. ‘Well now, that depends totally on your behaviour my love. Now stand up and go and get some pillows and place them over the end of the bed here.’ Kate stood up and walked gingerly to the head of the bed and collected three pillows. Emma had her pile them at the end of the bed and then bend over them so her bottom made a clear target for her wide leather belt. Kate lay over the pillows with her eyes closed and teeth clenched. She had no idea what the belt would feel like but if it was worse than the bath brush she felt certain she couldn’t take it. A second later she heard Emma say ‘I am going to give you 20 strokes of the belt. They will be hard and they will hurt but if you take them well your spanking will be over. If you squirm I will give you extra swats until you stay still. Are we clear?’ ‘Yes ma’am’ Kate muttered miserably into the pillows. ‘I didn’t hear you. Are we clear?’ demanded Emma. Kate spoke more clearly ‘Yes ma’am, very clear’ ‘Good. Now I want you to count aloud after each swat. And don’t miscount or I will redo that swat.’ ‘Yes ma’am’ Kate didn’t think she could be any more miserable and sore – but she was wrong. The belt cut through the air and landed with a loud thwack. Kate’s whole body jerked. ‘OOOWww, SHIT Emma that HURTS!’ ‘I believe what you should have said was ‘one’ and no cussing during a punishment or I’ll wash your mouth out with soap after we are done here’ Kate couldn’t believe what she was hearing but on the other hand she was pretty sure Emma wasn’t bluffing. ‘Yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am, I meant one’ ‘I think we will do that one again and try and get it right this time’ with that Emma raised the belt again and again and again, until Kate had counted out perfectly to 20 very painful strokes.

Emma finally threw the belt onto the bed. Kate lay still over the pillows quietly sobbing, her bottom too tender to even try and rub better. Emma lay down gently next to her and stroked her hair. She whispered gently, ‘Don’t ever do that to us again Katie. I love you. It is OK to be scared. We can do scared together but I cannot loose you. You are my everything. If I have to spank you every week to make sure you take care of yourself I will. Things are going to be a little different around here from now on.’ Emma scooped Kate into her arms. Kate buried her face into Emma’s soft breasts, taking comfort in the nearness of her lover. She felt the warmth from her body. The safety of being wrapped in her arms. She had never experienced the pain of a spanking before but she had never felt so loved or so safe in her life. An immense sense of peace settled over her and she suddenly felt incredibly tired. She snuggled into Emma and her last thought as she drifted into a deep sleep was ‘I am yours’.

The punishment

She stood with her jeans and panties around her ankles. Her smooth, round bottom, pale and cold, on show for her Mistress to observe should she so desire. Her hands on her head, arms beginning to ache. Nose pressed into the corner, a familiar position. She could hear her beloved moving around the room behind her. She wanted to turn to her, say she was sorry, ask for forgiveness but she dared not move or speak, to do so would be to invite further punishment, further disapproval. Her duty now was to obey. To submit to whatever her Mistress thought she deserved. To accept and to be thankful that she was loved so much that time would be taken to decide and deliver her punishment, to correct her behaviour, to improve her.

 The increasing pain in her arms caused her to shift slightly. Immediately a deep, forbidding voice sounded from behind her, ‘Be still girl.’ The sound of the stern voice made her shiver. Her Mistress was angry with her. This would not be a playful time but one fraught with pain for both of them. She knew it hurt her lover to see her tears but she also knew that she would be resolute and determined in delivering a severe punishment. The torment of not knowing if it would be the cane, paddle, belt or flogger was part of her punishment. How long would it continue? Would it just be for tonight or did her Mistress have other punishments she would deliver to correct her over the coming days? Tears filled her eyes. The isolation of the corner was a part of the ritual she hated. When a spanking began the physical contact with her Mistress, however painful, was welcome. The hand on her back as she pushed her to the bed or altered her position over her knee. The fist in her hair as she spoke quietly but harshly into her ear. These were moments of pleasure within the ordeal of pain that she craved. She needed to be touched by her and in that touch was the declaration of ownership. The simple yet overwhelmingly powerful ‘You are mine Girl.’

‘Strip’ A single word. No question or clarification was needed. She took off her clothes, still facing the wall; she hadn’t been told she could move in any other way. She folded her garments and left them at her feet, quickly putting her nose back into the corner hands back on her head, as would be expected. Naked, vulnerable. Blind to the preparations taking place behind her. The movements stopped and she knew her Mistress was watching her. Her heart began to race, it would be soon. ‘Turn around’ Keeping her hands on her head she turned to see her love. She felt her face redden as her Mistress looked at her, slowly taking in every part of her nakedness. No matter how many times she had been in this position or how many times they had seen each other undress, to stand naked awaiting punishment brought its own exquisite humiliation and terror. ‘Come here and turn around. Spread your legs. Bend over for me’ Each command was obeyed without question and in silence. Bent at the waist her legs apart, there was no modesty left. Her sex was there for her Mistress to do with as she wished. She felt her hand stroke her bottom. Round and round each cheek. Down to the thigh and up into the crack between each globe, sliding forward until it reached the wetness she sought. Roughly her Mistress entered her, filling her, making her gasp. Causing her to moan and widen her legs further, trying to accept the fist that was entering her, claiming her. Trying to keep her balance, forcing herself not to cry out. Her hips moving in rhythm to the pummelling, her climax building quickly. ‘Don’t you dare come.’ The command, a seemingly impossible order. Her mind fought with her physical impulse to let go. Just as she thought she couldn’t hold on, her Mistress’s hand withdrew. The sense of emptiness it left tearing at her heart, the deep ache of a climax waiting to erupt throbbing deep within her. Still bent over, she waited.

Her Mistress walked slowly around her. She felt the tip of a cane being run across her shoulders and down her back to her bottom where it was then laid flat across both buttocks. She could feel the cool, smooth rattan. She knew the dreadful bite it would create when it was brought down hard and quickly by her skilful lover. She grasped her knees bracing herself for what she knew would come next. She heard the swish of the cane as it was flicked through the air. Heard the crack of its landing before she felt the searing burn of its deliverance. The cane which had been lovingly prepared. Sanded to perfection. A black leather handle and hanging cord attached to it making its sole purpose clear. This was an instrument of correction. Its function to bring pain and redemption to the recipient. Her Mistress caressed its length lovingly, as if it was a mere extension of her. Part of her that touched her errant Girl in a way that would bring her to a place of forgiveness. The second stroke landed just below the first. Its sting no less powerful than the latter. Its burn joining with that already started. She grasped her knees so hard her knuckles turned white. She bit down on her lip as she tried to endure without screaming out. The third, fourth and fifth strokes came in quick succession. No longer able to contain her agony, Girl cried out. ‘Ssh my darling Girl. You will suffer this and you will welcome it. You have angered me with your thoughtless and reckless behaviour. Now you are paying the price for that as you knew you would.’ ‘Yes Mistress. I’m sorry’ A moment passed and a sixth stroke fell diagonally across the other five strokes. Achieved easily by the well practised disciplinarian. Tears now fell freely down Girl’s face. Quiet sobbing could be heard in the stillness of the room. Undaunted her Mistress spoke; ‘This would have been the end of your punishment but you lied to me and I cannot allow that. I must teach you that you will NEVER do that again. Do you understand?’ ‘Yes Mistress’ ‘Good.

'Stand up and come over to the linen chest.’ She stood, painfully and walked to the pine chest which had been pulled away from its usual position by the wall. Pillows had been placed on top of the wood. Her Mistress took her by the arm and laid her across the box, her bottom in the air and her legs and arms on the floor in front and behind her. Her mistress came and knelt by her head. Lifting her chin she looked into the wet eyes of her Girl and said ‘Open your mouth’ in her hand she held a lathered bar of white soap. Girl did as she was told and her partner put the bar into her mouth. Moving it around and from side to side, scraping it along her teeth and running it over her tongue. ‘Bite down on that and do not let it fall or you will be punished again.’ She nodded her head, miserably, the foul tasting suds covering her mouth. Her mistress then reached behind her and brought forward a thick, leather, razor strap. Light brown, worn with age and use, the smell of its leather still discernable even after all that time. Girl groaned from deep inside. Suds escaping from her mouth. ’25. As you have your mouth full I won’t make you count.’ Her mistress smiled. Girl shut her eyes. 25 on top of the caning!

The first stroke hit making her throw her head back and bite down further onto the bar in her mouth. She gagged and tried not to swallow. Her hands holding the weight of her upper body became fists. The strokes came, each hard, each with a slight pause to allow the lick to be felt before the next one fell. The fire in her bottom was a raging inferno. She had never suffered a punishment as harsh as this one. She was sure she could not take it. She lost count of the number of strokes. ‘I am pleased with how you are accepting your correction. That was 20 strokes. If you accept the next 5 as well, we will end this. I want you to think about what you have done. To know that I will not allow you to hurt me or yourself like that again. You will submit to me and you will obey or you will suffer the consequences.’ Unable to speak, Girl nodded. Her face wet with tears and suds. If it was possible the next and last 5 strokes were even harder. She kicked her legs, threw her head back but remained in position. The next thing she knew her mistress was kneeling once again at her head. She removed the soap from her mouth and wiped her face with a soft towel. Drying her tears and wiping the suds from her face. Her mouth was full of the foul tasting soap but she knew she would not be allowed to rinse.

She was gently pulled from the chest and lead to the bed. She lay on her front and tried not to focus on the furnace that used to be her bottom. She tried not to think of for how long she would taste the soap. Her lover lay alongside her and gently stroked her back and hair. She traced her fingers along the tear tracks on her face. She gifted her Girl with a forgiving smile and opened her arms. Girl moved quickly but painfully into the welcoming embrace. She lay her head on her partner’s breast. She listened to her heart beat. She felt her love. She knew that all was well.